Introducing New Social Features

Last week, we released version 1.2.0 of our iOS application and Investment Center. We’re excited to announce two new features: 1) Publicly displaying your investment activity and 2) Sharing an offering.

Word of mouth has long been a pillar of small business success. We share the restaurants, products, tools, and services that we love with our friends, family, and even strangers. These small moments, oftentimes within passing conversation, are the lifeblood of small business growth and contribute immensely to the vitality of the local merchants and their communities around the country. As we suss out the impact of how “word of mouth” can have significant influence for small businesses, we want to capture that essence and build it into investing locally.

We didn’t reinvent the wheel here, but we did build two unique features to help spread the word about offerings on our platform and make investing locally resemble more like building a stronger community.

Make Your Investment Activity Public

What's "CoolGuy12" up to?

When you switch your investment activity to public, other users on SMBX can see your username, total $ invested in bonds, ticker symbols of bonds you’ve invested in, and the $ you’ve invested in each offering. Your personal information (name, email, address etc.) remains private.

Share Offerings With a Click of a Button

Sharing is caring.

It’s now easier to share SMBX offerings with friends and family. Simply click an offering, type a quick message about why you’re excited, and send away. Help spread the word about small business investing within your own community.